If you own Delphi or RAD Studio XE4, you probably have used IBLite (free version of InterBase on iOS) or IBToGo for your database on iOS. With XE5, we will be bringing you IBLite for both iOS and Android.
A couple of months ago, I created a Recipes app for iOS that allows me to log my own recipes in an InterBase database.
When working with database files on Android and iOS, you have to set a remote path in the Deployment Manager. My Recipes.IB file is stored in the same folder as my project and I have set the following remote paths:
iOS: StartUp\Documents
Android: .\assets\internal
Below is the path that I set in my data module for reading/writing to my database. We use this function so that it works across all platforms and writes to the respective "Documents" directory.
System.IOUtils;procedure TDataModule1.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
SQLConnection1.Params.Values['Database'] := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(TPath.GetDocumentsPath) + ‘RECIPES.IB’;
Here is my Recipes app running on my Nexus 7 tablet, Nexus 4 phone and iPhone 5:
To find out more, join us for exclusive Android and iOS Development Tech Preview Events around the world that are going on right now. Be one of the first to see a preview of the upcoming release of new Embarcadero Android and iOS mobile development technology and how you can get early access to these tools. You will also have the opportunity to talk with development experts on how you can make the move to mobile today!
- See Android and iOS true native apps built from a single codebase
- Experience multi-device, true native development tools in action
- Learn about the 5 mistakes that developers make on moving to mobile and how to avoid them
Below are links to some great Delphi for Android sneak peek posts by other members of our team:
- Compiling Android Apps with Delphi
- Delphi, Android, ARM Assembler and Extra Awesomeness
- Android SDK, NDK and Device Support in Delphi
- Android in Style
- Native Pickers on Android and iOS
- Printing from an Android device using FireMonkey
- Delphi FirePhoto app on Android